Every year, the last Sunday of January is a much-awaited event for the art enthusiasts to buy artworks from the (Chitra Santhe)Art Bazaar.
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College Gate Decked & Screaming ~"Back 2 CKP" Chitra Santhe
Majority of the stalls depicted the same 'unsold artworks' 'same artists; however a few artists had managed to reserve the same spot, I suppose, by lobbying?
Outside Sindhi School, 2 artworks stood out 4 attention, which were pop-up kind of 3D layering used widely in the advertisement posters, which are liked these days and also pushed in the name of 'new media works', artist was from Chennai.
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Pop-up Artwork: the man on the face is floating in a 3D illusion
An artist keeps needs to keep himself/herself busy irrespective of space or time since time and skill are the only resources they possess in abundance in this current recession scenario.
Soap Carving artist
I noticed few greetings cards with highly intricate workmanship displayed; each one was unique in style, material, & skill-set but when asked for price she said ~"not for sale". She is a native from Coorg(Kodagu) having just completed her XII from St Aloysius College, Mangalore and wants to pursue NID next.
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Mesmerizing "Not 4 Sale" artworks by Donna Partha
On-the-spot portrait sketching counters were very popular among the masses. They could carry their personal images as a momento to their homes for just Rs 100/- in B&W and Rs 250/- for color.
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On-the-spot Portrait sketching
Instructions and Rules to Participants
- Artists above the age of 18 years are eligible.
- Kumara Krupa Road, Bangalore – 560001 on or before 1st January 2012.
- One day Lodging (Dormitory) and Boarding will be provided by the organizers for outstation participants on prior request.
- Please note and observe the timings of the event 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.
- The right to reject the application rests with the Parishath.
- We do not take any responsibility for any type of damage or loss to the exhibits during Chitra Santhe.
- No storage facilities will be provided.
- No exhibits of Reproductions, Digital Prints, Photographs and Craft/Handicrafts will be allowed.
- Each stall is allotted exclusively to an artist and subletting is not allowed.
- Certificates are issued only to the registered participants.
- No Participant is allowed to deal with works of others.
- Only Artworks approved by the Scrutiny panel should be exhibited.
- If material other than artworks are displayed, CKP will have the right to cancel the allotted stall immediately.
Some prominent Reproduction Displays of popular artists
I was shocked, not to see a single work by the artists manning the stall other than reproductions of Bratin Khan, Suhas Roy, Sunil Das, Ajay De
Among the south, Chennai artists have adopted to reproduce senior artists and have fared badly in quality.
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Reproductions of Raman G from Chennai by Sugumar C
Points to Ponder? Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath has become a favorite hub among the elite ladies after the regimen of Nanjund Rao & Chowtha, since the number of exhibition catering to Silk Sarees, Garments, Artificial Flowers, Antiquities & Curios are given more prominence than Art shows. Artists are rebuked. asked to compromise on halls, timings, and I personally have seen Chief Administrator, Rudrappa addressing artists arrogantly and canceling prebooked dates of exhibition giving priority to ongoing Saree mela.
The following image Fashion articles sold right in front of Hotel Lalit Ashok, despite repeated blaring on the mikes not to sell things unrelated to art! ...
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Fashion stuffs?